This topic would discuss about division of a whole number by a decimal number. This is another category of division in case of decimal fraction. Here we will learn that how will we divide when the dividend is a whole number and the divisor is a decimal fraction. We need to actually remove the decimal point in the divisor by putting as many zeros as no. of decimal places in divisor and perform the division just like division of two whole numbers. The technique in which this is done is detailed in this topic for the learners.
Here are certain rules for division of a whole number by a decimal fraction:
I: We need to first count the no. of places after the decimal point in the divisor
II: According to the no. of places after the decimal point in the divisor we will put that many zeros in the dividend.
III. On doing so the decimal point in the divisor is removed
IV. Now there is no decimal point in the dividend as well as in the divisor.
V. So we can divide both the numbers as division of whole number by another whole number
Here are few examples shown to illustrate the division of a whole number by a decimal number:
1. 343 ÷ 0.7
343 ÷ 0.7
In the divisor there is 1 place after the decimal point. So we will put 1 zero in the dividend as well and the decimal point in the divisor will be removed.
3430 ÷ 7
Now we will carry out the normal division
343 ÷ 0.7
= 490
2. 1331 ÷ 0.11
1331 ÷ 0.11
In the divisor there are 2 places after the decimal point. So we will put 2 zero in the dividend as well and the decimal point in the divisor will be removed.
133100 ÷ 11
Now we will carry out the normal division
Therefore, 1331 ÷ 0.11
= 12100
3. 729 ÷ 8.1
729 ÷ 8.1
Here in this example we can see that there is 1 place after the decimal point in the divisor hence we will put one zero in the dividend and the decimal point in the divisor will be removed.
7290 ÷ 81
Now carry out the normal division
Therefore, 7290 ÷ 81
= 90
4. 107.69 ÷ 1.21
10769 ÷ 12.1
There is one place after the decimal point in the divisor hence we will put one zero in the dividend and the decimal point in the divisor will be removed.
107690 ÷ 121
Therefore, 107690 ÷ 121
= 890
5. 22256 ÷ 2.6
22256 ÷ 2.6
Here in this example we can see that there is one place after the decimal point in the divisor hence we will put one zero in the dividend and the decimal point in the divisor will be removed.
222560 ÷ 26
Therefore, 222560 ÷ 26
= 8560
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