Distributive Pronouns

Distributive Pronoun is that Pronoun which describes members of a group individually and not collectively. It refers to a person or a thing taken one at a time and hence always singular.

The Pronoun that is used to indicate all members of the representative group are called Distributive forms.

I. In many an instances, Distributive pronoun is used with a plural Noun but Singular Verb especially when words like Each, Either and Neither are followed by the word ‘of’.


1.       Each of the articles threw definite light on the subject.

2.       Neither of the children is eligible to draw the benefits.

3.       Either of you is all right for the job..

4.       Any of the candidates is qualified.

5.       Either of the road leads to the railway station.


II. Distributive Pronoun is always singular and used with Singular Verb.


1.       Each of you is different.

2.       Neither of this is correct.

III. The Pronoun is used to indicate all members of the representative group.


IV. Please note that there is never a Noun used after Distributive Pronouns and this is what sets it apart from Distributive Adjectives.


Difference between Distributive Pronouns and Distributive Adjectives:

Example –

1.       Each of them was given a chocolate. (D.P)

2.       Each boy was given a chocolate. (D.A)

They both refer to members of a group as individuals showing how something is divided or distributed / shared among the group but the difference lies in the way they are incorporated into the structure of the sentence and the way they function.

Distributive Pronouns are used as either the subject or object in a sentence and never followed by a Noun whilst Distributive Adjectives are modifying words, followed by a Noun, invariably.


1.       Each of the student was given two chapattis .(Each being the subject , this is an example of D.P)

2.       Each student was given two chapattis .(Each being a modifying word , this is an example of D.A)

Let’s look into the words that form Distributive Pronouns

V. Each Refers to individual items / persons in a group setting.

E.g.:       Each of them was brilliant.

The word ‘Each’ can go in different positions in the sentence.

E.g.,:      She hugged each of them on entering the classroom.

She hugged them each on entering the classroom.

Each of the boys was given a present,

They boys were each handed a present.

The pens cost Rs. 70 each.

Each of the pens cost Rs. 70.


VI. Either and neither are used while speaking of two persons or things. When more than two persons or things are spoken of, any, no one or none, everyone shall be used

E,g.:   Either of you is fit to take his place under the sun.

Neither of you is willing to put in the extra effort needed for the assignment.


VII. Any, None, Noone are used to denote two or more things or persons.

E.g.:   Noone was willing to turn up or the event.

Any of them can attend the meeting,

None of the members agreed to the hike in school fees.

We invited many friends but none came for the event.

Everyone, present here, must take their dinner.

English Grammar and Composition

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