Decimal numbers are numbers that has a whole number as well as a fractional part that is separate by a decimal point. For example: 356.879 is a decimal number where 356 is a whole number and 879 is the fractional part and both the parts are separate by a decimal point. So, we can say that decimals are actually fractional numbers where the digits after the decimal point are divided by 10 or powers of 10 as we move on to next digit right side.
Now in this topic we will learn about how decimal numbers are placed in place value chart. We have already discussed in last topic that as we move from left to right the value of the digit goes on decreasing as in whole number. In this example 356.879 the value of 3 is 300, 5 is 50, 6 is in ones place so 6. Now the numbers after the decimal point are individually divided by 10, 100, 1000, 10000 and so on and so forth. Therefore the value of 8 after the decimal point 8 tenths, 7 after the decimal point is 7 hundredths, 9 after the decimal point or in the fractional part of the number is 9 thousandths. Again we can say that 300 in the whole number part is greater than 50 and 50 is greater than 6. Similarly 8 tenths is greater than 7 hundredths and 9 thousandths.
Here is the place value chart and we will understand the same as discussed above better with a place value chart.
Here are few decimal numbers given and we have to place those numbers in the place value chart.
(i) 45.895
45 is the whole number and .875 is the decimal part. In place value chart it can be shown as follows:
Again this place value chart can be extended at both the ends as on the right end it could be extended as ten thousandths, lakhs, ten lakhs and so on. On the right of decimal point it can be extended as ten thousandths and so on.
Here 895 after the decimal point is 8 tenths, 9 hundredths and 5 is thousandths.
(ii) 307.805
307 is the whole number and .805 is the decimal part. In place value chart it can be shown as follows:
Again this place value chart can be extended at both the ends as on the right end it could be extended as ten thousandths, lakhs, ten lakhs and so on. On the right of decimal point it can be extended as ten thousandths and so on.
Here 805 after the decimal point is 8 tenths, 0 has no value and 5 is thousandths.
(ii) 1537.6251
1537 is the whole number and .6251 is the decimal part. In place value chart it can be shown as follows:
Here 6251 after the decimal point is 6 tenths, 2 hundredths, 5 thousandths and 1 ten thousandths.
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