This topic would deal with correcting to one decimal place or rounding off to nearest tenths. We would discuss over here how to round off decimal numbers to nearest tenths with the help of various examples.
Rules of correcting decimal numbers to its nearest tenths
We would look into the hundredth digit for correcting to one decimal place.
Rule I: If the digit at hundredth place is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 then the subsequent digits after the tenth place would be replaced by 0.
Rule II: Again if the digit at hundredths place is 5 or more than 5 then the tenth digit would be increased by 1 and all other subsequent digits after tenths digit would be replaced by 0
Here are few examples to illustrate correcting to one decimal place
1. Correct the following numbers to one decimal place:
(i) 78.85
(ii) 96.32
(iii) 14.73
(iv) 66.05
(i) 78.90
78.85 would be rounded off to 78.90 as the digit in hundredths place is 5 and we know that when the digit in hundredths place is 5 or more than 5 then the digit in tenths place is increased by 1. Hence, the digit of tenth place would become 9 instead of 8 and the number would be rounded off to 78.90.
(ii) 96.30
The digit in the hundredths place is 2 and we know that if the digit in hundredths place is less than 5 then all the subsequent digits given in the number after tenths place would be replaced by 0. Hence, 96.32 would be rounded off to 96.30
(iii) 14.70
Here in this sum 14.73 would be rounded off to 14.70 as the hundredth digit is 3 which is less than 5 hence all the subsequent digits after tenths place would be replaced by 0. Hence, 14.70 is the answer.
(iv) 66.10
The digit in the hundredths place is 5 and we know that if the digit in hundredths place if 5 or more than 5 then the tenth digit would be increased by 1. Hence 66.05 would be corrected to 66.10.
2. Correct the following numbers to one decimal place:
(i) 156.69
(ii) 1235.158
(iii) 747.45
(i) 156.70
The hundredths digit is 9 and we are aware of the fact that if the digit at hundredths place is more than 5 then the digit at tenths place should be increased by 1. Hence 156.69 is corrected to one decimal place as 156.70.
(ii) 1235.200
5 is the hundredths digit and if the digit at hundredths place is 5 or more than 5 then the digit at tenths place is increased 1 and all other digits after the tenths digit is replaced by 0. Hence, 1235.158 is corrected to 1235.200
(iii) 747.50
747.45 would be corrected to one decimal place as 747.50 as the digit in the hundredths place is 5 and we know that if the digit at hundredths place is 5 or more than 5 then the tenths digit is increased by 1.
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