Now this topic will deal with conversion of decimal fraction into fractional number. For converting decimal fraction into fractional number we will have to write the given decimal number in the numerator leaving the decimal point and in the denominator we will write 1 and as many zeros as there are number of places after the decimal point.
Solved Examples on Conversion of a Decimal Fraction into a Fractional Number:
Change 150.05 into fractional number.
For changing 150.05 into fractional number we will first write 15005 in the numerator (leaving the decimal point).
Then 100 in the denominator as there are two places after the decimal point.
Therefore we will get,
Now the next step is to change it into lowest terms
15005/100 ÷ 5/5
= 3001/20
Now 3001/20 cannot be further reduced into lowest terms any more hence this is the answer
Here are few more examples showing conversion of decimal fraction into a fractional number.
1. Change 34.20 into fractional number.
First write 3420 in the numerator (leaving the decimal point) and 100 in the denominator as there are two places after the decimal point.
Then changing it into lowest terms
3420/100 ÷ 20/20
= 171/5
2. Change 42.50 into fractional number.
First write 4250 in the numerator (leaving the decimal point) and 100 in the denominator as there are two places after the decimal point.
Then changing it into lowest terms
4250/100 ÷ 50/50
= 85/2
3. Change 78.639 into fractional number.
First write 78639 in the numerator (leaving the decimal point) and 1000 in the denominator as there are three places after the decimal point.
This cannot be further changed into lowest terms hence this will remain as answer
4. Change 56.675 into fractional number
First write 56675 in the numerator (leaving the decimal point) and 1000 in the denominator as there are three places after the decimal point.
Then changing it into lowest terms
56675/1000 ÷ 25/25
5. Change 78.50 into fractional number.
First write 7850 in the numerator (leaving the decimal point) and 100 in the denominator as there are two places after the decimal point.
Then changing it into lowest terms
7850/100 ÷ 25/25
6. Change 845.75 into fractional number.
First write 84575 in the numerator (leaving the decimal point) and 100 in the denominator as there are two places after the decimal point.
Then changing it into lowest terms
84575/100 ÷ 25/25
7. Change 52.32 into fractional number.
First write 5232 in the numerator (leaving the decimal point) and 100 in the denominator as there are two places after the decimal point.
Then changing it into lowest terms
5232/100 ÷ 4/4
= 1308/25
8. Change 105.32 into fractional number.
First write 10532 in the numerator (leaving the decimal point) and 100 in the denominator as there are two places after the decimal point.
Then changing it into lowest terms
10532/100 ÷ 4/4
This is how we need to convert decimal number into a fractional number.
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