Care of Animals

Like human beings and plants, it is also important to take protection and care of animals.

We know, there are two kinds of animals - (i) domestic and pet animals

Domestic Animals
Pet Animals

(ii) wild animals

Wild Animals

Both should be cared for in different ways.

(i) Care and protection of domestic and pet animals:

Cow, buffalo, goat, hen, etc. are domestic animals. They are helpful in many ways. They provide us milk, meat, eggs etc. Bullocks, horses, camels etc. are used for ploughing, carrying goods, conveyance from one place to another, etc. Dog, parrot, pigeon, rabbit, fish, etc. are pets serving different purposes i.e. for amusement; keeping guard etc.

We need to take care and arrange them their convenient living. We should provide them with comfortable and safe dwelling place. Sheds for domestic animals should be made airy and lighted. These animals should be protected from sun-stroke in summer and cold-wind in winter.

Domestic animals should be kept clean and their wastes, i.e. dung etc. should be promptly removed from the shed and be properly disposed of. The wastes should be utilized for making manure or bio-gas or dung cakes.

Domestic animals should be given nutritive food or fodder. Green fodder is a prime necessity for domestic animals. They should also be given clean water to drink. Dirty or polluted water may cause damage to their health. There should be arrangement of water for their wash or bath also.

Sick animals should be treated properly with medicines according to the advice from a veterinary doctor.


(ii) Care of wild animals:
Animals that live away from habitation are known as wild animals. Some of the wild animals, like elephant, deer, etc. are plant eaters while others like tiger, lion, wolf etc. are fresh eaters. The plant-eating animals depend upon plants white f1esh-eating animals depend upon plant-eating animals. A balance is maintained in the nature between plant-eaters and flesh-eaters. We may explain it as follows:-

Decline in the number of any kind of animals disturbs the food chain. If there are no plant eaters, the flesh eaters will die with hunger. Excessive hunting of any kind of wild animals also disturbs the food chain.

Some wild animals like tiger, lion, deer, snakes, etc. are hunted for their skins. Some wild animals like deer, pig, etc. are hunted for their meat. The government has prohibited the killing of wild animals.

Large-scale destruction of forests caused by cutting down of trees or fire may render the animals, homeless. That is why there are strict laws against cutting down of green trees or hunting wild anirna1s. Shelters and food for the wild animals are provided by protecting the forests.

Some useful steps have been taken by the government to protect wild life. Many national parks and wild life sanctuaries have been set up for conservation of wild life and environment.

Fourth Grade

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