Gautama Buddha is Great Spirit of the spiritual world. The religion, introduced by him is called Buddhism. This new originated religion marked a vast place in the map of spiritual world.
In his early life he was a son of a king. His birthplace was Kapilavastu. His father was Suddhodana. His mother‘s name was Mayadevi. He was reared by his step mother Goutami. That is why his name was Gautama. He was also known as Siddhartha. From early childhood he was a very innocent, patient and non-violent creature. Those qualities marked his later life. As morning shows the day like that his childhood and the life before coming to renunciation showed the possibilities of his sainthood. When he grew up as it is the duty of the kings to fight in the battle he joined that procedure but didn’t like that. He invented a non violent way to capture or to win the kingdom. The way was purely harmless. His inner instinct told him not to harm others. He did not care about kingdom and material wealth. Instead he spent his time with spiritual matters.
Later he was married to his cousin Yasodhara (Gopa). Rahula was his son. When he was 28\29 one midnight he left the palace with his favourite horse Kanthaka and chariot Channa without saying anything to anyone. This day was the turning point of his life. Living in between wealth and luxury he had no mental peace .He was always wandering about the truth. So at last for sake of truth he left his home. As it was his life’s aim to find the truth.
Siddhartha decided to take sainthood after seeing an old man, a sick man, a corpse and one ascetic. In this new life he roamed about a lot. He followed so many gurus. His first guru or spiritual teacher was Alara Kalama.
Just near about Gaya Siddhartha started his extreme prayer or meditation in this place in the bank of Niranjan River under a peepa l tree. After completing one month (some says 49) he got spiritual knowledge. After a lot of toils he got that knowledge (bodhi).The path was not so easy. The tree under which he got wisdom is called Wisdom tree (bodhi tree).
Now he becomes Goutam Buddha. He invented eight folded paths
to lead our life in an honest way. They are –
Honest talking
Honest work
Honest life
Honest trying
Honest thought
Honest determination
Honest outlook
Honest renunciation.
He also invented four truths of life. They are-
1. World is full of sufferings.
2. There are causes of sufferings.
3. There are ways to overcome these sufferings.
4. We have to choose a right path or way to overcome these sufferings.
There were so many followers of this new religion. Even the kings joined in this religion. The tough rules of Hinduism were too much for many Hindus. So many Hindus started to come to this religion because of its simplicity.
The book in which ‘Buddhism’ is recorded is called ‘’Tripitaka”. It has three units.
They are- 1. Vinaya Pitaka
2. Sutra Pitaka
3. Abhidharma Pitaka
“Mahabangsha” and “Deepbangsha” are the history of Buddhism.
There were four Buddhist councils which occurred in different places.
The first happened in Saptaparni (Rajgrih).
The 2nd was in Vaishali.
The 3rd was in Patliputra.
The last was in Kundalvan (Kashmir).Some says it took place in Jalandhar (Punjab).
Ashoka, Kanishka, Harshavardhan and Pal kings were great who patronised this religion.
‘Asvaghosa’ first wrote the biography of Buddha in Sanskrit. It was named as “Buddha Charitam”.
This is the whole story about Buddhism.
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