We see different kinds of animals around us. Some animals are big while some are small.
Animals are living things. Animals are of different shapes, size and nature. Animals are very useful to us. They breathe, eat food, grow in size, move from one place to another in search of food and home and reproduce by either laying eggs or by giving birth to young ones.
Pet Animals
Some people have cat, parrot or dog in their homes.
These animals are kept for fun. The animals which can be kept inside the homes are called pet animals.
Domestic Animals
Some animals are kept on farm. They give us many useful things. They are called domestic animals.
We should take proper care of domestic animals.
Goat, cow, buffalo, ox, donkey, etc are domestic animals
Wild Animals
Some animals wander freely in jungles. They are called wild animals, they cannot be tamed.
Tiger, lion, fox, bear, deer, etc., are wild animals. You can see
some wild animals in zoo. Wild animals are fearful and dangerous. Lion
is called ‘The king of Forest’.
Milch Animals
The animals which give us milk are called milch animals.
Cow, buffalo and goat are milk giving animals. Milk gives us energy. Children love to drink milk daily.
The animals like elephant, monkey, deer, bear, horse, goat, cow, human being, etc are called mammals.
Mammals give birth to their babies and feed them with their own milk.
Bat is a flying mammal. Whale is a mammal that lives in water.
The animals that can live both in water and on land are called amphibians.
Tortoise, frog, crocodile, etc. are amphibians.
Birds are the animals that can fly. Their wings help them to fly. They have two legs and two wings. They have feathers and a tail. They have a beak. They generally live in trees.
Sparrow, owl, crow, pigeon, partridge, kiwi, etc. are birds.
Most birds can fly. Some birds can swim in water.
Some birds like duck can swim in water. They have webbed feet.
The animals that crawl along with the ground are called reptiles.
Lizard, chameleon, snake and tortoise are reptiles.
Small animal with sharp teeth like rat and rabbit are called rodents.
Insects are small animals. We see insects all around us.
Animal like honey-bee, ants, bug, butterfly, grasshopper, house-fly and cockroach are some insects. Their body is divided into three parts. They have six legs. Most insects have wings. Wings help them to fly.
These are the animal around us we see
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