A relaxing glass of wine at the end of a long stressful day may seem to be the thirst quenching succour our soul isinadvertently drawn to or how about a bracing peg of vodka just before we gear up for a nerve wrecking proposal or an all inhibitions engulfing shot of whisky just before we set on an adrenalin rushing, death – defying dare .The prospect, one must admit sound extremely enchanting but all that beckons is not elixir. Wait, till you unravel the mystery behind this so called solution to our worn – out, edgy and highly strung nerves.
Alcohol, is not all the panacea it seems to be. On the contrary the temporary adrenalin rush or loss of inhibitions or garrulousness which may seem to make us more daring , dauntless and spunky is certainly not due to any medicinal attribute of alcohol , rather it is the suppression of the two most vital component of our Nervous System , which in short term and long has serious health repercussions .
1. C.N.S (Central Nervous System)
2. P.N.S (Peripheral Nervous System)
1. The C.N.S acts as the C.P.U for the human body. It controls all cognitive and motor related functions without which man will exist, only per se, in a vegetative state.
Alcohol severely affects our faculty to take rational decisions, analyse and exert controlled judgement. Our senses are dulled, reaction time delayed and co-ordination impaired. Alcohol directly penetrates our Central Nervous System causing rapid spike in the Blood Alcohol Concentration level which leads towreaking havoc on the neurotransmitters that emit signals to the other vital body organs.
At a very euphemistic level alcohol leads to slurred speech, forgetfulness and temporary tingling or numbing sensation. At a more serious level, alcohol corrodes our nervous system completely causing permanent damage.
Alcohol induced sleep though might seem to be a fascinating prospect for many an insomniacs yet the sedative effect of alcohol is nothing but temporary blackout and the resulting sleep quality is fragmented compounded by intense thirst craving and hangover bred headache.
The effect on cerebellum which controls the motor functions leading to loss of balance, co-ordination and sudden black outs make drink and drive a dangerous proposition with fatal ramifications.
The false sense of euphoria and deliriousness is aggravated bythe impact of alcohol on motor transmitters which directly leads to depression and violent or withdrawn mood swings.
2. Peripheral Nervous System also falls a casualty to the ill – effect of alcohol. Long terms alcohol abuse is known to irreversibly damage the peripheral nerves in the nether regionsof our body leading to tingling, pain and ultimately numbness.
In the light of the knowledge that alcohol interferes with the brain receptor cells breaking down the communication between nerve cells and suppressing nerve pathway activity, it is a hazardous red flag that must be overlooked only at serious cost to health and well-being. Where a drug, so liable to be misused is so readily available, self-restraint and responsible use are the key words to stay healthy.
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