We will discuss about the air, water and weather and their influence in life. The weather can change very frequently. It may be bright and sunny in the morning but may suddenly become dark and cloudy. We can feel and see when the weather is windy, rainy, foggy, sunny or cloudy. The weather also changes during the year. We are acquainted with the seasons named winter, spring, summer and monsoon. At different periods of time there are different seasons and in the same season also weather may change. Weather changes from week to week, day to day and sometimes from hour to hour. It is hot during the summer season, it rains a lot during the rainy season and during winter season it is cold.
Changes in weather take place because of the Sun. It is the heat of the sun that causes the wind to blow or the clouds to form. If the sun shines directly overhead, sunlight falls directly on the Earth and it gets very hot. But if the Sun is lower down in the horizon, the Sun’s rays are slanting and they do not heat up the Earth so much. That is why it is warmer during the day than in the morning and evening.
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